Firefighters Arrive To Rescue Dog From Dirt Tunnel, Discover 80-Pound Tortoise Wedged In Beside Her

Our pets are our best friends. We worry about them more than we tend to worry about ourselves. When something happens to them, our adrenaline begins working in overdrive and we become desperate to get them home and happy again. This is what happened when one loving owner’s dog became trapped in a tunnel.

Tracy Arballo has a high-spirited German shepherd named Taylor that loves to run around her backyard playing fetch and chasing after various toys. Taylor has always been a highly-spirited, rambunctious dog and is always exploring wherever she can. The Arballo family has a long tunnel that runs directly beneath the family’s concrete patio. At first, the family didn’t know when the tunnel was created and what exactly created it. That was until they met Godzilla.

Godzilla is an 80-pound tortoise that they fondly began referring to as Taylor’s “brother” after the two met for the first time and got along quite well. Godzilla was the original builder of the underground tunnel. It wasn’t unusual for Taylor to nose around the tunnel or to peak her head into the tunnel’s entrance. Taylor even scooted in and out on days she was feeling particularly brave.

One day, Taylor wandered several feet into the tunnel. Tracy wasn’t worried. Taylor could usually get herself out. However, when Taylor didn’t come back, Tracy knew something was wrong. Apparently, Godzilla happened to be in the tunnel when Taylor decided to venture in. Godzilla has always been a stubborn turtle and his true nature showed when he decided he didn’t feel like moving to let his sister exit the tunnel.

The two ended up wedged in the tunnel. Neither were in danger or any pain, but they were likely uncomfortable. The unlikely duo were nearly 6 feet from the entrance of the tunnel, leaving Tracy or any neighbors unable to get either Taylor or Godzilla out of the tunnel. The situation became desperate as the animals became increasingly uncomfortable and eager to get out.

Tracy realized she needed help. She called the fire department, who arrived quickly to free the trapped animals. The rescue crew worked side-by-side with Tracy’s family to free the animals. The rescue mission took 30 minutes and a lot of lettuce, but the unlikely brother and sister were eventually freed from the tunnel.

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