Property Brothers Perform ‘Hold On’ — I’m Keeping Back My Tears It’s Beautiful

To most of America they are known as the “Property Brothers,” the young handsome pair of brothers from HGTV’s wildly popular show. Drew and Jonathan Scott soared to fame fixing up houses for grateful families.

But in 2016 they showed off musical talents of theirs, when they released a song titled Hold On and a music video to go along with it.

It was a few years ago when they revealed they have another major talent besides property: singing. They explained to Entertainment Tonight that as kids growing up on a ranch, they used to spend evenings strumming guitars around a campfire and singing songs with their parents. Sounds idyllic, doesn’t it?

The idea to take their love of music to a professional level occurred while they were filming their special, Property Brothers: At Home on the Ranch. They had traveled back to their native Rocky Mountains to help an old friend renovate his ranch.

As they were filming the show, they were talking with a music producer from Nashville. They decided they wanted to record a song for the show that would be a tribute to the way they grew up. The song Hold On was born.

The writing came quickly and easily since they song was so close to their hearts. The lyrics beautifully pinpoint one’s longing to return to a familiar and loving home no matter how long they have been away, or to how many other wonderful places.

The music video was filmed over an intense two and a half days. The first day started at 3 a.m. because they wanted to catch the light from the gorgeous sunrise. However, they also wanted to do the same thing at sunset, so it made for a long day of filming. The result was worth it.

The video shows Drew and Scott leaning in the doorway of an old barn overlooking the ranch, strumming guitar and singing the song. Interspersed in the song are shots of various people returning home after a long time away, joyfully reuniting with their families.

The brothers’ voices blend in perfect harmony, and the simple, catchy tune and soulful lyrics can easily get the listener choked up. It is a powerful testimony to the enduring love of family and friends and a reminder of how our roots shape us. In today’s busy world, that can be something we easily forget.

Fans have been loving the music. The Scott brothers recently released another single Let the Night Shine In, and are working on a full album. If that goes well, they may try to carve out some time for touring when they are not shooting Property Brothers.

And as they have made so clear, they will always enjoy coming home afterward. Check out their amazing music video below.

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