“Warning: Report Immediately if You Notice These Tattoos”

“People with eye-catching tattoos may be those you encounter while strolling through your neighborhood. While tattoos can be unique artistic expressions, it’s important to recognize that some tattoos are linked to gang affiliations.

Gang activity has become a reality in our communities, not just in big cities like New York or Los Angeles. To protect ourselves and our loved ones, it’s essential to recognize the signs of gang membership.

Tattoos are often used by gang members to display their allegiance and claim territory. By familiarizing ourselves with these tattoos, we can enhance our safety.

Here are some common gang tattoos to watch out for:

’14’ or ’88’ Tattoos: Often seen on members of the Neo-Nazi Aryan Brotherhood, these numbers symbolize their affiliation with a large prison gang.

Spiderweb Tattoo: Typically found on the elbow, this tattoo is common among individuals who have served lengthy prison sentences and joined a gang for protection.

Teardrop Tattoo: This tattoo’s meaning varies by gang but usually signifies a murder committed on behalf of the gang.

‘Three Dots’ Tattoo: Representing a gang lifestyle of ‘mi vida loca’ or ‘my crazy life,’ this tattoo indicates a gang member’s commitment to the lifestyle, though not necessarily to a specific gang.

Five-Dot Tattoo: More severe than the three-dot tattoo, this design signifies a long prison sentence.

‘MS’ Tattoo: Associated with the notorious MS-13 gang, formed by Salvadoran immigrants, this tattoo is often seen on its members, who are known for committing random acts of violence.

If you notice someone with any of these tattoos, it’s wise to keep your distance. The rise in gang activity, compounded by challenges faced by law enforcement, makes it crucial to stay vigilant and aware of any signs of gang involvement. Your awareness could potentially save lives.”